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Field distribution for APOGEE.

Principal Investigator: Steven Majewski (UVa)

The APO Galaxy Evolution Experiment 2 (APOGEE-2) will explore the formation history of the Milky Way using the "archeological" record provided by hundreds of thousands of its individual stars. The details of the assembly and growth of the Galaxy from its progenitors are preserved in the patterns seen today in the motions of stars and the abundances of chemical elements that they contain. We will map these patterns using observations from the Apache Point site and from the 2.5m du Pont Telescope at Las Campanas Observatory in Chile, obtaining a complete view of our Galaxy's history. Simultaneously, in cooperation with NASA's planet-finding mission, Kepler, APOGEE will measure the abundance of carbon, oxygen, nitrogen and iron in planet-hosting stars, to study the role that these elements play in the formation of terrestrial planets.

Key Science Questions

APOGEE-2 Technical Details

APOGEE-2 at a glance
Bright-time observations at APO and LCO
Fall 2014 - Fall 2020
300 fibers per 7 deg2 plate (APO), 3.5 deg2 plate (LCO)
Wavelength: 1.51-1.70 μm, resolution R~22,500
300,000 stars with S/N > 100
Radial velocity precision ~ 100 m/s
Abundance precision of 0.1 dex for 15 elements
