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Estimates for the ugriz colors of Vega and the Sun

Assuming V=+0.03 and U-B = B-V = V-Rc = Rc-Ic = 0.00, we find for the A0V star Vega the following:

    g   = -0.08  (±0.03)
    u-g = +1.02  (±0.08)
    g-r = -0.25  (±0.03)
    r-i = -0.23  (±0.02)
    i-z = -0.17  (±0.02)

where we used the Bilir, Karaali & Tunçel (2005) transformation for g and the Rodgers et al. (2006) transformations (plus the u'g'r'i'z'-to-ugriz transformations) for the u-g, g-r, r-i, and i-z colors. The error bars in parentheses are rough estimates of the systematic errors based upon the different values that different sets of transformation equations yield.

Assuming M(V)=+4.82, U-B=+0.195, B-V=+0.650, V-Rc=+0.36, and Rc-Ic=+0.32, we find for the Sun the following:

    M(g)= +5.12  (±0.02)
    u-g = +1.43  (±0.05)
    g-r = +0.44  (±0.02)
    r-i = +0.11  (±0.02)
    i-z = +0.03  (±0.02)

where, again, we used the Bilir, Karaali & Tunçel (2005) transformation for g and the Rodgers et al. (2006) transformations (plus the u'g'r'i'z'-to-ugriz transformations) for the u-g, g-r, r-i, and i-z colors. As above, the error bars in parentheses are rough estimates of the systematic errors based upon the different values that different sets of transformation equations yield.