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APOGEE Publications and Results


APOGEE Science Papers

Title First Author Journal
Testing the Asteroseismic Mass Scale Using Metal-poor Stars Characterized with APOGEE and Kepler C. R. Epstein 2014ApJ...785L..28E
New Red Jewels in Coma Berenices R. C. Terrien 2014ApJ...782...61T
Extinction Maps toward the Milky Way Bulge: Two-dimensional and Three-dimensional Tests with APOGEE M. Schultheis 2014AJ....148...24S
Chemical Cartography with APOGEE: Large-scale Mean Metallicity Maps of the Milky Way Disk M. R. Hayden 2014AJ....147..116H
Discovery of Two Rare Rigidly Rotating Magnetosphere Stars in the APOGEE Survey S. S. Eikenberry 2014ApJ...784L..30E
Chemodynamics of the Milky Way. I. The first year of APOGEE data F. Anders 2014A&A...564A.115A
The SDSS-III APOGEE Radial Velocity Survey of M Dwarfs. I. Description of the Survey and Science Goals R. Deshpande 2013AJ....146..156D
Discovery of a Dynamical Cold Point in the Heart of the Sagittarius dSph Galaxy with Observations from the APOGEE Project S. R. Majewski 2013ApJ...777L..13M
The Open Cluster Chemical Analysis and Mapping Survey: Local Galactic Metallicity Gradient with APOGEE Using SDSS DR10 P. M. Frinchaboy 2013ApJ...777L...1F
Very Metal-poor Stars in the Outer Galactic Bulge Found by the APOGEE Survey A. E. García Pérez 2013ApJ...767L...9G
Chemical Abundances in Field Red Giants from High-resolution H-band Spectra Using the APOGEE Spectral Linelist V. V. Smith 2013ApJ...765...16S
The Milky Way's Circular-velocity Curve between 4 and 14 kpc from APOGEE data J. Bovy 2012ApJ...759..131B
New ATLAS9 and MARCS Model Atmosphere Grids for the Apache Point Observatory Galactic Evolution Experiment (APOGEE) S. Mészáros 2012AJ....144..120M
The Apache Point Observatory Galactic Evolution Experiment: First Detection of High-velocity Milky Way Bar Stars D. L. Nidever 2012ApJ...755L..25N

Cross-Calibration of APOGEE Targets

As described in the APOGEE target selection page, APOGEE has observed a significant number of "calibration" stars. Other surveys may wish to observe the same stars when possible, so we release this list of stars here.

This compressed FITS file contains a subset of stars that APOGEE has started observing. These are located in fields with well-studied open and globular clusters, bulge fields, and equatorial fields. Almost all the stars were observed in Year 1 of APOGEE, and so their spectra (co-added with all observations through July 2012) were released in Data Release 10 (DR10) in July 2013. The exceptions are the stars with the flag COROT_STD and Right Ascension near 19:25h. That field's data will be released later because it was observed in Year 2.

A subset of these stars that meet S/N and other quality requirements had their stellar parameters, as determined by the APOGEE pipeline, released in DR10. We cannot guarantee that every star in this list will eventually have high quality stellar parameters and/or abundances from APOGEE. For instance, while APOGEE has started observations of all the listed stars, the fainter stars are scheduled for additional visits and therefore may not achieve the necessary signal before the end of the survey (depending on variables such as weather), which means their parameters may not be well-determined even in future data releases. Furthermore, APOGEE currently has only approximate parameters for the hot telluric standards.

The FITS table APOGEE_CrossCalib.fits.gz has six columns:

Columns of APOGEE_CrossCalib.fits
1TMASS_ID2MASS ID for the object
2RAright ascension of object (J2000) in decimal degrees
3DECdeclination of object (J2000) in decimal degrees
4PARAM_ABUND_STDsee flag descriptions below
5CLUSTER_MEMBERsee flag descriptions below
6COROT_STDsee flag descriptions below

The objects may have zero or more flags set:

no flags set
Most are red stars selected on J-K0 color. Some are blue stars for telluric correction.
High-resolution analysis is available in the literature, usually because the star is a cluster member.
Star was identified as a cluster member by proper motion or radial velocity, or explicitly included as a confirmed non-member for calibration purposes.
Star is in CoRoT field.

DR10 contains detailed information on these targets.

Please contact Jennifer Johnson (jaj -at- if you have any questions.